Café and roastery in the heart of Yarram, Gippsland.
Dedicated to bringing our community freshly roasted coffee with a hint of countryside charm.

Get local coffee beans delivered fresh to your door.
Our dedicated team is passionate about connecting our community with coffees sourced from around the world. We select beans from renowned coffee-producing regions, ensuring that each cup tells a unique story of origin and flavour.
RoasteD to order
Our coffee is roasted weekly in small batches, ensuring freshness in every cup.
Ethically sourced
We prioritize building long-term relationships with our producers, ensuring fair and sustainable practices.
Become a destination point for your customers.
Join the growing list of cafes and businesses that trust us to provide them with our high-quality, locally roasted beans.
Count on us as your partner, we’ll guide you from training all the way to marketing, to ensure you’re equipped to deliver a top-notch specialty coffee experience.

Meet us for a cup at our Yarram Café.
Every coffee cup tells a story, and ours is one of passion, quality, and community.